2020 Vision: The Great Unveiling

“Take no part in the unfruitful acts of darkness, but expose them.”                                                                                 Jesus Christ As we all know, the 2020-22 time period has been one of the most challenging times. Yet although it feels...

2020 “Coincidences”

Do you find it fascinating, all the incredible coincidences and events thus far in 2020? And 2020 is far from over! Coincidence number one: This is an election year. Please keep this in mind as we go through the various “surprises” and “coincidences” over the next...

What to do with Evil?

Here is a question:  is there evil in the world? If so, how do we handle it? What do we do with it? Is it evil out there somewhere, or do we all have a touch of (d)evil within us? I have been sharing in my writings and teachings of life about some of the evil I see in...

All Lives Matter

Now, let’s be clear, of course Black Lives Matter. And we all agree the death of George Floyd was disgusting. And I hope we all agree that justice always needs to be sought and served. And it is good that the officers were fired and the main perpetrator Derrick...

Learned Helplessness and Supporting the Abuser

Stockholm Syndrome, Agent Smith and Mainstream Media Today I want to talk about three syndromes and situations that may help us understand the visceral reactions many of us are having to this pandemic and the countless theories being tossed around. Let’s explore the...