I went on this 3 day retreat with Roy and Liz – my first ever yoga and meditation retreat, and I’m so glad I did. They handled people’s differing abilities in yoga very well, and were compassionate and thoughtful in their guidance. The location was outstanding, as though it had been designed specifically to enhance our experience. Great food and conversation with Liz and Roy and the other participants. Overall a wonderful experience, and I will definitely be back for more!

Sylvia, 2021 Aldermarsh Retreat

Yoga Meditation Retreat

Aldermarsh Retreat Center, Whidbey Island, WA

March 14-16, 2025

Theme of Retreat: Healing & Awakening


Please note that this is an alcohol free event.



Rooms prices are per person starting at $495 per person

  • Tiny Cabin in woods, with a double bed, sink, short walk to shared bath. $550 per person (for 2), or $650 for one
  • Tiny cabin in woods (Taken), with two single beds, sink, short walk to shared bath. $550 per person (for 2)
  • Room with 3 beds, and private bath, with ladder to two additional beds in loft, 3-5 people. $550 per person
  • Room with 3 beds, and semi-private bath, fairly large room, lots of light, 3 people. $550 per person
  • Room with 3 beds, near bath, quiet, a bit small & quirky. $495 per person for 3, or $525 each for 2 only
  • Room with two single beds, lots of light, shared / semi-private bath $650 per person
  • Room with garden view, lots of light, two single beds, private bath $695 each
  • Camping Option: Bring your own tent and gear, $495 per person


Two nights lodging, organic, delicious meals, yoga, meditation, breath classes, workshop, nature meditation walks, sound bath, community ….


The whole weekend was an individual journey opening up to strangers that became so dear to me drawing me closer every minute. I didn’t want to leave the retreat because the magic spell would be broken. I now seek ways to open my world to the magic of that connection to others … to keep it going.  I feel peaceful. I feel unhurried. I feel more love than at any time in my life.

Margo, 2015 Peaceful Mt Retreat attendee

My cup is filled!!! This retreat was Amazing!

Carrie, after attending 2022 Aldermarsh retreat

A journey is best measured in friends, not in miles.

Tim Cahill


to our 10th retreat at Aldermarsh, on Whidbey Island, a beautiful, quiet, wooded, sacred site close to Seattle and Everett, but feels remote amidst a splendid nature setting.  It has everything we look for in a retreat center: 1) outstanding, sacred yoga & meditation space, 2) beautiful land and grounds, 3) lots of room options, 4) awesome Japanese soaking tub and great sauna, 5) organic home cooked meals, 6) nice hiking trails within walking distance, and 7) singing frogs and hooting owls!



is both a beautiful wetlands and a human-created space where community, collaboration and sustainability thrive. Aldermarsh is dedicated to educate and inspire spirit and soul-based stewards of the Earth. We host programs and retreats for individuals, groups, and organizations who share our commitment to deeply listen to and steward Earth and human communities in sustainable ways. All who come to Aldermarsh become part of the expression and co-evolution of this environment and contribute to an energy that nourishes this community for future generations


The theme of this retreat

(Sauna pic at left). The theme will be Healing and Awakening, on all levels: physcially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. We will also explore how to heal and awaken the unconscious or asleep aspects. ARe you willing to heal? Are you willing to awaken to truth?







Please plan on arriving any time after 2pm on Friday. We will have a gentle, meditative yoga class at 5:30 for those who can make it by then. If not, try to arrive for the dinner at 7pm, followed by meditation, intros, and sacred circle. We finish around 2pm on Sunday.




What else will we do

Besides four yoga classes, we will do some hiking in beautiful, bug-free forests. We will do some breath and meditation workshops, as well as a sound bath to help us relax and connect on all levels.

Aldermarsh is managed by a volunteer-led nonprofit organization. Our inspiration and guidance comes from the spirits of the land, our hearts, and our community. Community support is essential for the long-term sustainability of Aldermarsh


Sound Bath

We (Liz and Roy) offer an extended shavasana (relaxation time on your back) where we play an assortment of bowls (crystal and metal), flute, rattles, etc.




Aldermarsh is a beautiful accommodation with good energy and various room situations, from individual small cabins, to rooms with up to 4 or even 5 people.


Register online here

Food and Meals

We do our own cooking, and LOVE making healthy, tasty, organic meals to your dietary needs. All meals are included, starting with dinner the first night, and a bountiful buffet on Sunday.

Please Note: We are happy to take the time to make meals that fit your needs and allergies. However, we ask for NO MALEABLE DIETS. By this we mean, if you request a certain diet, please stick to what you requested. We have had numerous attendees who request certain meals (vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc.), but when actually at the retreat, after we took considerable time to make their separate meals, they decided to “change their mind” or “just go with the flow” and eat the food intended for the main group. This gives us extra work and also means there is less of the other food for those who did not request special foods. Again, we are happy to fit your needs, but if your request is just a preference–not an actual allergy–consider the extra work we take to make your food and be honest and considerate, thank you!

Teachers, cooks and hike leaders

Click here for more info on Instructors

Roy Holman will teach some of the yoga classes and lead the hike and help cook. Roy teaches a breath-connected, meditative, flow vinioga, and has led nearly 100 retreats, in the North Cascades as well as in Sedona, Mexico, Costa Rica, Bali, Peru and Guatemala. We will have a total of four yoga classes over the weekend in the beautiful space, healing workshops, meditation classes,, a hike, a silent meditation walk.. Oh, and great food and great people!

Liz Gross will also teach yoga, meditation and energy work, and help cook!

“I believe all healing involves alignment of the soul with the body. When you’re consciously in touch with the life energy within yourself, you have awareness & communication with the flow of energy that connects you to spirit. I feel very passionate about Vibrational Medicine and love working with others in this way & helping others to connect with their purpose and passion in life.”

Vibrational Energy Medicine brings the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual bodies back into balance, which opens the way for rebuilding the healing systems of the body. Please read more about Liz at her website

Non-Discrimination Policy

Yoga is about unity and oneness, not divisiveness and polarity. All are welcome on our retreats. We do not discriminate for any reason, including sex, gender, race, age, vaccinated or unvaccinated, masked or unmasked. We trust you to take care of yourself, and to decide first, if this trip is for you, and second, how to take care of yourself. We will do our part to keep everyone safe and honor all our needs, but ultimately, your health is your responsibility. May this retreat be a healing experience for all.

Payment and Refund Policy

For those visiting from afar, we highly recommend trip and travel insurance. In rare cases, we have to cancel trips, and we cannot be responsible to cover lost airfare or other fees.  The global uncertainty and change of late (you may have noticed!) is another reason to purchase travel cancelation insurance.

We request a $500 deposit, balance due 30 days prior to trip.  Note:  Deposit is generally nonrefundable. 3/4 of later payment may be refunded if you cancel > 30 days prior to trip, 1/2 refund if you cancel 15 – 30 days prior to trip (depending on retreat center refund policy), no refund under 15 days prior to trip–unless I can get some money back from hotels and retreat center.  Note: In these wild, COVID times, we do our best to expand our refund policy, being fair to all involved.

Who attends

You! We usually have about 15 people, a chance to make new friends and connect, but also quiet time to read, relax, and rejuvenate. You are invited to do as many or as little as the classes and activities as fits you and your needs.

Register Now!




Register online here