Evidence of Evil

I am not obsessed with evil. I am obsessed, if anything, with truth, and God. In a fallen world, a chaotic world, we need to constantly remind ourselves of the bigness of God and the smallness of evil, or what some call Satan. Yet we must acknowledge evil. We need to...

My Friend the Boss

Have you ever had a boss who you also consider a friend? Hopefully we–who have bosses–are both friend and boss. Some people, such as therapists, have clear boundaries. They cannot get too close, or socialize with clients. There are varied opinions, but...

What do we Know?

Whew, knowing what the heck is going on is a tremendous challenge these days. We seem to know less than we would think. What do we know? It is very clear that we are in a war. We the people are under attack, and have been for a long time. And this war has greatly...

D.C. January 6: What Really Happened?

Overview: I went to Washington DC for the January 6th rally and protest because I believed–and still believe–that the election was stolen. I felt drawn to go NOT to fight specifically for Trump, but rather for truth and democracy. I am a lifelong Democrat,...

Masks Unmasked

“The biggest takeaway is that more than 100 years of attempts to prove that masks are beneficial has produced a large volume of mostly low-quality evidence that has generally failed to demonstrate their value in most settings”. Jonathan Darrow, Harvard Masks don’t...