Effort versus Flow

Today let’s look at effort versus flow. There are several ways to looks at this.  One is yang versus yin, which might translate as masculine and feminine. In other words, how much do you make life happen versus allow life to happen, generally speaking. None of...

What on Earth is going On?

There are numerous opinions about what is going on these days on Earth. *    Nothing is happening; it is business as usual on Earth. *   Changes, yes, but just a natural cycle. *  Changes, yes, and humans are cause and we must change.        *  Getting worse on...

Awareness and Presence

    Let me talk about Awareness. In India over the holidays I was taught that awareness is not a means to an end.  Awareness is the end. What does this mean? Perhaps it means this.  The mind sees imperfection and separation everywhere. Often, when we try to change...

Bring Light to your Money Shadows

Do you have money issues? Most of us have money shadows, secrets or triggers we keep in the dark of our unconscious. Money is not the issue really. Oh, of course, we all need some money.  It is the form we use for exchange of goods and services.  But again, money is...

Balance: Living Life from Love

Balance is a tricky concept, and even harder to live. To me, it’s all about living life from love, not fear. Let’s look at balance as it relates to living our complicated human lives from a couple standpoints during these trying and transitional times. How...

Pets to the Rescue

We have all heard of rescue dogs or pets, where humans rescue or adopt an animal from a shelter. Rescue Pets are also specifically a plush toy series manufactured and marketed by MGA Entertainment. They are mainly dogs, but can be other animals such as a cat or...