The Essence of Religion

Organized religion has gotten a bad rap by many over the years, and much of it is well deserved, in my opinion. There is the joke about spiritually evolved people getting excited about their understanding of the Spirit world, and the devil comes along and says,...

Volunteers, no Victims

First, let me be clear, in the deepest sense, or in reality, there are no victims, and actually, there is no death. I’ll address the death part next week, but regarding victimization, of course, in this world of drama and illusion, we have plenty of appearances...

The Disruptive Mind

I was backpacking in the Olympics in early August, and was sitting at a beautiful Lake Angeles, enjoying the sun and scenery. Next to me was a Meet Up group from Seattle, and they too were enjoying the moment. Then the mind took over. I heard one guy begin to talk...

3 Levels of Communication

Today, let me talk about three levels of communication, from least effective or least helpful to most effective or conscious. 1. Pain Body / Victim Mentality. I know this one very well, and probably many of you recognize this one as well. This is the most destructive...

Pain’s Source

Let me ask you, what is the source of your pain? If you say you have no pain, then you are deceiving yourself. Even enlightened masters have pain, as it is part of the human condition. Suffering, they say, is optional. When we resist pain, we suffer. But we all...

Releasing Self Image

What is your self image? More generally, what is an image? Let’s start with this question. The dictionary defines an image as several things, including: 1. a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, or sculptured....