Aging Grace

 Blog Note: If you wish to continue receiving these Blogs, we have cleaned out our mail list, so you will need to re-subscribe at this link Today I would like to share a poem I wrote about 5 years ago, from my book called Poems from the Passionate Heart. It is a poem...

Costa Rica and Guatemala Retreats Follow up

We just completed three retreats, two in Costa Rica and one in Guatemala, two very different countries and histories. When I was a human rights activist in Guatemala, I used to avoid Costa Rica because it seemed too “tame” for me. I liked the “rugged...

Roy Yoga Interview

The following is from an interview with Tracy Weber, my original yoga teacher. Why and when did you start practicing yoga? 1996, during a dark night of the soul, depressed, with an eating disorder. I felt so good and grounded from yoga, I knew if it could help me, it...

Find your own Pose

Whose life are you leading? Are you living your life, or following the herd, doing what the culture or society or your role models or parents demonstrated or even insisted what is right. It is crucial that we walk our own walk, find our own true and unique path. Other...

Charges and Triggers

Most of us have an idea of what a charge or trigger is. It’s when some sort of people bother us, or some sort of situation bugs us or triggers some sort of reaction. A charge or trigger is essentially unfinished business, some sort of trauma or wound that we...

Love Thy Neighbor

Today I want to challenge us all, including myself. Pretty much all spiritual and religious teachings advise us to love our neighbor. But how many of us do it? Most of us avoid our neighbors! But here is the thing; do you want to be happy or suffer? It’s that...