This is my first Uber-Lyft Blog. Eventually, this may become a book.

As some of you know, I began driving for Uber in March of this year, 2024. Things were kinda slow, so a month or so later, I added Lyft, bouncing back and forth between the two apps, which was a new trick for an old dog like me, but now I am a pro!

Anyway, there are many fascinating people and rides I have experienced over the last 5 or 6 months. Today I want to start in the present moment, with one of today’s rides.

I was riding with my Uber doggie, Boca. This was not “legal”, but I always attach his “Emotional Support Animal” harness on (he is an offical ESA, no joke).

Around 7:30am, I had just dropped off my first rider near the Everett Mall. I immediately got a very unique Lyft ride request, which said I would pick up the rider about 5 minutes from where I was–which was reasonable–and drop off about 20 minutes later, right near my house. I accepted the ride request, as I always appreciate longer rides, especially ones that take me back towards home, and especially when I wanted to feed breakfast to both myself and Boca dog!

What made it unique is that the ride request came with the longest text explanation of my rider I had ever gotten. It bascially sounded like a high maintenance rider, an older gentleman who can’t see well, can’t hear well, has a bad memory, has a walker that I would need to pack away in the trunk, and several other warnings. It gave me a phone number to call in case of an emergency, so it now had my attention.

I arrived for the pickup prepared for anything. What I got was a surprisingly coherant, kind man, probably around my age (I’m 68). He was standing there waiting on the sidewalk, wearing dark glasses, looking relaxed, easy to find, and was wearing a protective mask, but it was useless, resting down below his mouth. He did have hearing issues, but that was fine, as he did most of the talking.

He started with dogs. I was pleasantly surprised how happy he was to meet Boca. He then began telling me about his 13 year old chihuahua mix which died the year before, and how it shocked both him and his wife at how it held more of their heart than they had realized. I offered that dogs are gifts from God, and he apparently heard me as he agreed and repeated, “They are indeed gifts from God.”

He then went into his relationship, mentioning–in passing–their annivesary. I asked him how many years they have been together and he told me “49 years.” I congratulated him, and he again seemed to hear me and thanked me.

He said she was in the hospital, which is where we were going to visit her, and that he went to visit her daily. He was a bit mad at himself; she apparently liked him to get down there earlier to join her for breakfast, and got a bit anxious without him. I told him it was only 8am, so he was doing pretty good time wise. They were both having serious health challenges, and life was now very dificult. The last year had been particularly challenging for both of them.

He then began to talk about Jesus, saying, “Jesus should be back pretty soon. It’s the only thing that makes sense. This world is a mess, and it is clear that we can’t find peace here, that there is another world where things will make more sense.”

He noted that things are getting weirder and wilder and he was ever more ready to go someplace better, and that he had faith that Jesus would take him there. It gave him hope.

Speaking loudly, I shared that I got closer to Jesus these past few years after seeing more and more clearly that we are indeed facing an enemy. And this enemy was sure not happy with Christians. And the open Satanism in our entertainment, political and other arenas revealed what a spiritual war we are in.

At first, as I listened, I felt sad for him. His quality of life had dropped, for both him and his wife. He had lost a precious dog. His health, and that of his wife, had detoriorated. Life was hard, and he said they had not found a way to break the rules so he could sleep with her at the hospital.

He told me that his wife urged him not to say too much about God and the world, not to bother anyone, including Uber drivers! I said I genuinely appreciated hearing everything he said, and he smiled, clearly hearing me.

Meanwhlle, as I often do, I was praying, sending him silent blessings, as well as to his wife. I was praying for both him and his wife, for God to heal them, uplift them, comfort then.

But near the end of the ride, I had an aha! More than me helping him and his wife, he was helping and teaching me! He was uplifting me and my faith.

We were about the same age, but my health is excellent. But as difficult as this man’s life is and health is, and how troubled he was at the condition of his wife as well as the world, he was at peace with Jesus. He had faith. He had hope. He had trust.

Me, I am full of doubt and mistrust and strugle with my unbelief and lack of faith. I want full control. I smiled at how good God is, to send me this man.

The 20 minute ride felt like two minutes, I enjoyed listening to him so much. I dropped him off at the hospital, and held up Boca to let him say goodbye, and I patted David on the back. I thanked him, and asked him if he needed help or if he knew where to go. He smiled, and said he knew exactly where he was going.

Interestingly, I immediately got another ride request, and the address was very familiar: my own address! I was confused for a moment, but then realized it was our Airbnb guest needing a ride, and she would get me!

But maybe that too was a sign. This gentleman, David, was helping guide me home, reminding me that as chaotic as is this fallen world is (and of late falling fast!) there is Home to look forward to.