Now, do you see?

We are at war

Or more accurate, we are under attack

This War has many Weapons:

Plandemics, vaccines, medical mafia, depopulation, open border, weather weaponry, false flags, censorship, media control, stolen elections, bribed politicians, social engineering, wokeness, sexualizing children, gender confusion, body mutilation, divide and conquer, fear, demonize truthers, all with Satanic undertones

The Enemy or Target of Evil:

God, and His creation, notably freedom fighters, Christians, children, unvaxed, patriots, armed citizens, Mama and Papa bears. Anyone awake who sees, knows, talks truth. We the people are their enemy!

The enemy needs to stay invisible, the war unseen. But the evil one has a problem: He cannot destroy and depopulate a people quietly. It’s been an impressive feat, keeping us unaware of mass murder. But it’s getting noisy. It’s getting visible, for those with eyes to see, ears to hear. We are awakening. We are seeing.

It’s getting so real, so close to home, so visible. Of course we all saw the pandemic, but now we see the plandemic. One battle, a big one, with tremendous, ongoing suffering and death. Ultimately, not enough. Many died and will die. But many survived. Both sides learned. Who learned the most?

Now do you see? An open border, with millions of military aged men, gifted with cell phones and financing and perhaps training, illegally flooding our country. For mayhem, chaos, false flags, God knows what else.

History is being made! We are living it, right here, right now.

Ignorance is dangerous!

To yourself, your family

But especially to those of us who see

Who speak truth

You’ve believed the rhetoric

And therefore justify whatever is done to those “crazy conspiracy theorists”, “anti-vaxers”, “Christian Nationalists”, “white supremacists” ….

They need you to hate us, fear us, blame us

But know that in the end, they will come for you and yours

Waste no time!

Only 12 days until this election. Will it happen? Will it be stolen?

Wake up!

Waste no energy regretting.

Forgive yourself, as we forgive you, and we forgive ourselves.

Join us! We are the 99%!

How do we win this war?

Pray to God. Come together. Shake off our shackles. Deprogram. Unplug the TV. Open, refresh and renew your mind. Restore your vision. See the real enemy. Fear not. Protect the children from schools, vaccines, toxins. Detoxify your body and brain.

Together, we win. Truth wins.

Grace wins. God wins.