“I noticed a great difference in my sleep after using the wall plug in. I experienced a deeper and uninterrupted sleep and felt more rested than I have in a long time after using your product.”
EMF Solutions
for Physical, Emotional
& Spiritual Wellbeing
Common Symptoms of EMF and WIFI toxicity include:
sleeplessnes, fatigue, poor concentration, fertility and libido issues, anxiety, and even increased risk of cancer, alzeimers, parkinsons disease and much more
What is EMF, and how do EMF Solutions Products Help?
Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) are ubiquitious and surround us in our world: WIFI, routers, cell phones, bluetooth, 5G satelites and 5G towers …..
Adverse health effects come from what EMF Solutions calls “subatomic chaos,” which occurs when EMF hits solid materials (walls, tables, etc.) and vibrates. This chaos adversely effects the human calcium channels (mostly opening them) and flooding the cells with excess calcium, which causes oxidative stress, free radicals and DNA damage. This seems to be the main reason people have health issues from EMF radiation.
These products do not block the WIFI and EMF. More accurately, they use natural earth elements to harmonize the energy. Numerous and varied scientific, independant studies and muscle testing have show that these products work, and may be the only products that presently are proven to work.
How can I help you? Possibilities include:
1. We chat–either by phone, ZOOM or if local, I can come explore your home in person.
2. I usually suggest simple things to do to reduce exposure, often free, simple new habits to get into like turning off router at night. I also provide a free handout of these tips.
3. I recommend someone who can come hard wire your home, to greatly reduce your home WIFI exposure, minimal cost, big benefit.
4. I suggest some product–from EMD Solutions–to harmonize the energy in your home, bedroom, phone, car, and your body. Again, minimum investment, maximum benefit.
“The whole house product has been in for 2 weeks and I’ve NOTICED I’M TRULY RESTED WHEN I AWAKE in the am and my HUSBAND HAS MORE ENERGY IN GENERAL. Thanks!”
Below are some of the independant studies that show that EMF Solutions Products work:
Call or text for a FREE 10-15 minute phone consultation, or even free in person home inspection to determine your home, auto and personal needs: 425-422-0023 (no pressure to purchase anything!)
EMF Solution Product Price List
Product For Price
Home Harmonizer Whole home, up to 2000 Sq Ft $519.95
Room Harmonizer Large room $149.95
Device Chip PC, router, printer, fans, etc. $39.95
Car Harmonizer Plugs into cigarette lighter $69.95
Better Zs Various uses: car, bedroom, etc. $44.95
Cell Chip Model 11 and older, back of cell phone $79.95
Icell Chip Model 12 and newer, back of cell phone $84.95
Laptop Chip Back of laptop $79.95
XL EMF Band Wear on wrist for personal protection $64.95
EMF Band Wear on wrist for personal protection $49.95
Personal Card Kids, Instead of Band, keep in pocket or wallet $59.95
XXL Card Adults, Instead of Band, keep in pocket or wallet $89.95
Booster Box When Home harmonizer not enough $269.95
Home Bundle Home Harmonizer, Better Z and Device Chip $594.95
Be Healthy Bundle HH, Better Zs, Device chip, iCell chip, XXL Card $769.95