” As you know, I was struggling with many life issues, but I’m happy to say that I’ve made it out on top! You really helped guide me in the right direction and yoga saved my life.”

Sarah, Canada

Yoga, Healing and Meditation

Classes, Workshops


Everett, Washington and Seattle Area and Global Retreats

Yoga helps relieve back pain, reduce weight gain in middle age, calm the mind, and keep our center during turbulent times. By inviting presence, yoga not only helps us recover from countless physical, mental, and emotional challenges, but also helps us awaken to our deepest sense of peace, passion and purpose.


See below for class schedule, fees, and instructions on how to use ZOOM.


1) How to Organize and Lead a Retreat

Are you considering organizing and leading your own yoga, healing or other sacred Retreat?

Roy Holman has led over 100 retreats in WA State, Sedona, Montana, Mexico, Cost Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Bali and Mexico. He will share on:

  • Giving birth to your dream trip
  • Finding clients
  • How to figure costs and pricing
  • How to find a venue
  • How to find cooks, or cook yourself!
  • Legalities, legal forms, release forms
  • Flow of the retreat
  • Working alone or with partner
  • Much more (bring your questions)

Join us Saturday, March 1, 10am-12 noon PST

$75 includes handouts, forms, guide docs


​2) Spiritual Warfare (and How to Win It)

I know, we yogis are taught all about oneness, that there is no enemy or evil. Just keep my vibration high, do my practice.

Well, what if that is not true, or only partially true? What if we are programmed not to see what is right in front of our face?

Do you ever feel like you are struggling or swimming upstream, or fighting unseen forces? Is your yoga practice not really creating profound and lasting change?  Is there good and evil in the world? Do global events (COVID, wildfires, division) seem strange and unnatural? Once we become aware of the spiritual battle going on, everything starts to come into focus and make more sense.

In this workshop, we will explore this idea of “division within oneness.” We will look at the tools dark forces use (fear, division, untruth, etc.) and offer essential tools for overcoming these energies and entities and helping others do the same. Come learn how to recognize truth, be honest, deepen your practice and bring in the genuine light our world needs.


ZOOM Yoga and Meditation: See below to register for any class.

Suggested contribution $10 – 15 for most classes

Wednesday Gentle Yoga & Meditation (Roy) 6pm: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month

Wednesday 9:30 am (Liz) Slow Flow with Yoga Nidra Meditation 

In Person Summer Yoga Classes

Outdoors, Fridays 11-12, Begins Friday, May 23

Legion Park (West side patio of Legion Hall), 145 Alverson Blvd, North Everett.

$10-15 suggested donation

Wednesdays 6-7pm

Gentle Yoga and Meditation (Roy)

Wednesdays 9:30am

Slow Flow Gentle Yoga with Yoga Nidra (Liz)


To Register:

Just call or text (425-422-0023) or email me holmanhealth@gmail.com. Say which specific class you will attend. I will need your email to send you log in link and instructions for ZOOM call.


How to use ZOOM:

We have a paid ZOOM account. I will send you a link to get on the ZOOM video call.

You might have to download the free app if you have not used ZOOM before. It is fairly simple to use.

You enter with audio: “Connect with audio”. To activate your video, you might have to click on the lower left camera icon on your screen. If it has a red line across it, that means it is off, so click it on.

Or … if you are in your pajamas 😊 or you are having a bad hair day, or simply want to stay invisible,no worries, just leave video off. It’s nice to say hello to each other though. Who needs makeup!?

During the class, we sometimes mute everyone except the teacher, but to get my attention, just wave your hand. Or there is a place you can raise your virtual hand, or use the chat box to send me a message.

Note: It is best to set up your computer or phone near a router for best band with.

If you have a problem, either send a note via chat, or call me at 425-422-0023 or 425-303-8150.

” I realize that every time I have a bad week, it’s when I skipped my yoga class. It’s the one time each week when I get to breathe and get out of my head.”


Pamela, Everett

Payment Options:


“Thank you for your kindness. I want you to know that your class touches more than just the muscles; it touches the soul.”


Rhonda, Everett


Please call or contact Roy directly for more info.- don’t be shy!  425-422-0023



“Yoga is a Universal culture. It is meant for one and all. Yoga makes a Christian a better Christian, a Hindu a better Hindu, a Mohammedan a better Mohammedan, a human being a better human being.”

Geeta Iyengar